Ambient Networks open Deliverables

On this site you and view, download or print the open deliverables produced within Ambient Networks after they been delivered to the EU. The project start date is January 2004, the delivery month is calculated from this date.


deliverable titel

delivery month

D-0-1 Gender Action Implementation Plan (delivered 2004-04-06)and Cover page 3
D-1-1 AN Project Overview and Dissemination Plan 6
D-3-1 Connecting Ambient Networks – Requirements and Concepts 6
D-4-1 Ambient Network Mobility Scenarios & Requirements 6
D-1-2 AN Scenarios, Requirements & Draft Concepts and Appendix to D-1-2 9
D-0-2 First Year Annual Review Report - Executive Summary 12
D-1-3 AN Migration Strategies 12
D-1-8 Ambient Networking - Concepts and Architecture 12
D-2-2 Draft Multi Radio Access Architecture 12
D-5-1 SMART – Draft Architecture and Multimedia Routing Decision Logic 12
D-6-1 First paper on context aware networks (positioning + innovation) and Appendices 12
D-7-1 Ambient Network Intermediate Security Architecture and Annex 2 12
D-8-1 Ambient Network Management - Technologies & Strategies 12
D-3-2 Connecting Ambient Networks – Architecture and Protocol Design and Technical Annex 15
D-1-4 AN Concept 18
D-6-2 Proof of Concept Demos - Role and Opportunities for Context Management in Ambient Networks 18
D-5-2 SMART – Proof of Concept and Demo 18
D-8-2 Ambient Network Management - Solution Design & Functions 18
D-0-3 Second Year Annual Review Report 24
D-1-5 AN Framework Architecture and Annex 24
D-1-6 AN Case Studies Report 24
D-1-7 AN Dissemination Report 24
D-2-4 Multi-Radio Access Architecture - Final report 24
D-3-3 Connecting Ambient Networks – Final Architecture, Protocol Design and Evaluation and Annex 24
D-4-3 Ambient Network Mobility Framework & Mechanisms and Annex 24
D-5-3 SMART – Final Architectural Design 24
D-5-4 SMART – Final proof of concept and Demo 24
D-6-3 Second paper on context aware networks (results + further work) 24
D-7-2 Ambient Network Security Architecture and Annexes I, II, III, IV, V 24
D-7-3 Security and Trust Cross-Issue and Annexes I & II 24
D-8-3 Ambient Network Management - Proof of concepts and evaluations 24

